Take a look at the "City That Never Sleeps" through the eyes of a 22 year old New York City native.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Never Forget
September 11, 2001. Where were you? Eleven years ago [to this date], I sat a scared eleven year old in my seventh grade classroom. I remember my teacher [Mrs. Patterson] receiving a call from the principal and frantically turning on the television to ABC 7 News. By this time, the first tower was already shrouded in smoke. I was under the impression that a plane had been misguided into the first tower accidentally; however, [moments later] the second World Trade tower was struck. I remember the cold chills I received once witnessing both towers collapse and the tears that it brought to my eyes. I cried on and off for hours that day. The students and teachers in my school were in a panic and we were all advised to stay in all of our designated classrooms. With nowhere to go, I looked out of my classroom window and I remember seeing documents and debris [from the World Trade Center] descending from the sky [all the way in Brooklyn]. I just could not fathom how there were people in the world so wicked to commit such heinous acts against innocent, defenseless people.
Today is a day for us to come together as a city, a nation, and as people to remember the innocent lives that were lost in the towers, Washington D.C. (passengers of American Airlines Flight 77 and citizens in the Pentagon) and Pennsylvania (passengers of United Airlines Flight 93); it is a day to honor the devoted volunteers, NYPD and FDNY members who put their lives on their line to protect the people of this city on that horrific day and our troops who fought courageously to protect this nation following the September 11 attacks. As President Obama stated today, the victims of the September 11 attacks would be remembered "no matter how many years pass".
Friday, September 7, 2012
Fashion's Night Out
What a night! First, let me start by thanking my good friend Dennis for inviting me out to Soho tonight and introducing me to a group of really entertaining people; if it wasn’t for him, I would have probably stayed inside the house all evening watching Law & Order reruns on television [not that there is anything wrong with that]. Second, I would like to state that this is my first time attending Fashion’s Night Out here in New York City, so I did not know what to expect at all. I shop in Soho occasionally and am used to the congestion, but tonight it was a zoo! It took me about 20 minutes to walk from E. Houston Street to Grand Street (a measly 4-5 blocks) to meet Dennis and the group; a walk that normally takes me 5 minutes.
The stores of Soho were flooded with celebrities, models, designers, editors and customers from all over, all to take part in this iconic night for fashion. As we proceeded through the streets, we came across lines that traveled what seemed to be miles, just for customers to gain entrance into certain stores. These lines were attributed to star appearances, store performances, limited-edition product offerings, and one time sales. There were a lot of activities going on in the stores, however, there was just as much entertainment in the streets. Artists and performers took to the streets and capitalized on the opportunity to display their art and talent for the [large] passing crowds.
Once we finished getting our fix of the night’s festivities, we began our search for a restaurant to feed our appetites. We came across a nice, little spot called “Jane” on W. Houston St. where we all devoured their special “Jane Burger”; a loaded burger that comes with cheddar, sauteed onions, pickled tomatoes, their special sauce and a side of well seasoned fries. I cannot speak on behalf of the other items on the menu being that this was my first time dining there, however if you are looking for a delicious burger and are in the Soho area, I would recommend you visit Jane.
Overall, I really enjoyed my first Fashion’s Night Out experience. I was able to again experience the diversity and culture that New York City has to offer and was also able to socialize and converse with interesting, new people. It doesn’t get any better than that! I look forward to doing this again next year.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Kingsley and I am a 22 year old St. John’s University graduate residing in Queens, New York, born in Manhattan and raised in Brooklyn. In the words of Nobel Prize winner Pearl S. Buck, “As for New York City, it is a place apart. There is not its match in any other country in the world.” I have traveled to numerous cities across the country and as beautiful as many of them are in their own way, I have yet to find one that captures my heart quite like New York City has. This city is so rich in history, culture and diversity; so much that there is never a lack of activities or entertainment. Whether it be viewing a Broadway play to taking a stroll through Central Park, or dining at Junior’s to visiting the Statue of Liberty, there is always something to do in “The City That Never Sleeps”. New York City is a gem and there are still many facets that I have yet to explore. I started this blog as an outlet to share my new encounters and experiences [in regards to fashion, art, history, food, music and much more] with everyone; so whether you are a “true New Yorker” or just someone who’s curious and wants an insight to life in the “Big Apple”, I hope that you enjoy my blog. Thank you, and there will be more to come soon!

-Photographs taken by Kervin Maule for Kervin Maule Photography
-Photographs taken by Kervin Maule for Kervin Maule Photography
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